An Awesome Story About Bibi The Mischievous Cat

Hi everyone,

First of all, thanks for spending your time and hang out with me here.

Let me tell you a story about my own cat life (sit back and relax, also grab some popcorn and soda if you want to XD)

My name is Bibi (a name given by master), a mischievous bicolor Tuxedo cat

I turned 12 on today 13th March, this date is very memorable, as it's the day I went from strayed to stay at home cat.

For your information, I was born and dumped by my own cat mother, when I was barely a month old.

Luckily, a bicolor dog mother adopted me and fed me with her own milk. 

I grow up together with other three bicolor dog's siblings and we surely have some great moments.

Unfortunately, my dog's mother and siblings were caught by the local authority.

All of them vanished from my eyesight and I never saw them again...

Since I grow up with dog's family, my behaviors also act like dogs as well. 

Another thing that bothers me is I couldn't get along with other cats in the local community. 

Every time when they're approaching me, they notice I have some different smell (maybe it's due my dog sibling's odor), those cats will start to attack, scratch and bite me.

At first, I was so coward and just ran away from the cat's fights.

Over the period of time, I realized that I need to fight back, instead of keep running from the fights.

I just become fiercer and fighting back all those bullies.

Since then, less and less cats come to bully me.

I'm starting to become the cat leader of the local community area.

One day, I was so tired with this stray living style (although many kind people feed me with foods and drinks).

I just wanna have a home and a family who really loves me. 

After wandering and searching for the "Ideal family", I finally met the right candidate!

I sneaked into their house and gave them my most innocent face, together with my unique“Em Em Em”voice, hopefully they will adopt me.

Fortunately, the family really like my appearance and personality. 

They decided to adopt me and I'm officially become their pet cat on 13th March 2018.

Time flies by and it's my 4th anniversary living with this kind-hearted family.

I enjoy and love every moment staying here.

It's the best and wise investment that I've ever made in my cat's life!  

Thanks for your time and hope to see you all again in the next chapter...


Bibi the mischievous cat
